Friday, May 06, 2005

Mister Rogers Would've Been Proud

At noon today, I attended the dedication ceremony for the new metro 911 center of Kanawha County. What a great building! While technologically very sophisticated, its design is practically very simple.

It looks as if this facility will be a great help to the people of our county, and has the capacity to be one of the finest 911 centers in the nation when it opens. Hats off to all of those in the city, county, and state that have worked to get this center completed. Anyone who sees it will be impressed.

I was also struck with what a great neighbor the new metro 911 facility will be for us at Bible Center. When we relocate to our new property at Southridge, the 911 Center will be right next door. Our property practically surrounds the 911 facility. We have the land beyond it on Peyton Way and behind it along Parkway.

The security, safety, and 24-hour nature of the center will help to create a similar atmosphere in the neighborhood. The community that is developing around our property is the kind of neighborhood about which Mister Rogers would've been proud.

God has again reminded me that He has provided us a wonderful piece of land. Even the fact that 911 is our next door neighbor is a blessing to us from Him. Thank you Lord!