Friday, April 01, 2005

Destination without Direction

As a family, we traveled to Charlotte to get away for a few days this week. Our kids are out of school for Spring Break and it is hard for us to get quality time as a family in the Charleston area. We got away to a hotel with an indoor pool.

I made the arrangements online before we left home. We got in the car and headed down I-77 toward Charlotte. Then, I realized that I knew what hotel for which I had made the reservation, but I had not looked at how to get there once we arrived in the greater Charlotte area. We had a problem. We had a destination, but we lacked direction. I had to call and get directions.

Churches can do the same thing. It is easy to know the new programs, expanded ministries, additional staff members, and relocation site, but not know how to get there. Knowing our Christ-given mission is critical, having a shared vision of the future is vital, but without direction, execution of the plan is futile.

Praise the Lord that as a church family we are working on master planning for the new site. We are seeking God's guidance in laying out a plan for the land. To help us do the best job possible, we have hired a local architectural firm and they have partnered with an architectural firm out of Atlanta that specializes in building churches.

We don't want to have a sign out on the new property for years that says "Future Home of Bible Center Church." Without clear direction that is what will happen.

We not only have a destination that God has provided us for the relocation of this ministry, but we are seeking God's direction in how and what to build on the land to best represent Jesus Christ in the Kanawha Valley.