Sunday, April 03, 2005

Disoriented by Time

I grew up near South Bend, Indiana. We did not change our clocks according to Daylight Savings Time (DST). We never sprung ahead or fell back at all. We never lost an hour of sleep or gained an hour of sleep. We did notice that Primetime on the TV changed an hour twice a year. That was the only disruption to our lives regarding DST.

I will never forget the first time I adjusted my clock back an hour. It was in the fall of 1985 as a freshman at Appalachian Bible College. The Head Resident of the dormitory posted a sign telling us to fall back an hour that night; how weird it was to actually "lose an hour" by adjusting my clock. It seemed like we were messing with what God had built into creation. We were playing with the universe itself.

Since that time, I have changed my clocks twice a year. I don't suppose I will ever get over this awkward and disorienting process. Today, I have struggled to figure out if I am on time or if I am late. My body feels the loss of an hour and longs for the fall when I will gain it back. Changing the clock for DST may give us longer summer days, but it sure confuses me each time we do it.

I have been reminded by today's change of the clock, that God is the one who has set the entire universe in motion. He is the one who keeps it running on schedule. He is the sustainer of all that He has made. Even when we must move our clocks, God is still aware of all that is happening and is still in control. While I get a little disoriented in life with simple things like DST, God never gets disoriented. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

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