Monday, April 04, 2005

Have You Heard?

Have you heard the news? Pope John Paul II died Saturday. The 24 hour news channels have covered little else in the world. The eyes of not only Roman Catholics but people everywhere are fixed on what is taking place in Rome. Why has all of this attention gone to the death of one man?

For Catholics everywhere their earthly shepherd of the last quarter of a century is gone. For others a powerful voice in the world is gone. Billy Graham referred to John Paul II as "a great moral voice of a generation." Even for those that are not Catholic, there is an admiration of his ability to take strong stands for morality, while at the same time doing it with a tone of graciousness. He is the one who coined the phrase "a culture of life" when addressing the issue of the sanctity of human life. He has been the voice that has transcended cultures and crossed national borders in support of a biblical perspective on the family. He added greatly to the moral and philosophical discourse of our modern times. The world has suffered the loss of a leader who often repeated a view of morality from a biblical point of view.

His passing gives God's people a great opportunity to point to the one true mediator between God and man—Christ Jesus. With the deaths of Pope John Paul II and the Terry Schiavo, people all around us are asking life and death questions in light of eternity. Folks are wondering what exactly provides the bridge from a life marred by sin to eternal life with God. They are wondering what it takes to know that they are at peace with God. They question how they can experience the complete and total forgiveness of God. Jesus is the answer. He is the mediator and has finalized the mediation in His death, burial, and resurrection. God's grace saves a person as he or she express faith in Who Christ is and what He has done. Each person must choose to accept Jesus as the mediator between himself or herself and God.

Now, as the world faces life and death issues, is a wonderful time for us to share the incredible hope found in Jesus Christ and in Him alone. People are pondering the basic questions of eternity. Are you ready to answer their questions with the Good News of Jesus Christ?

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