Wednesday, March 30, 2005

God is the Author of Change

Today is such a beautiful day in Charleston. Spring has sprung! Yes!

By the latter part of August, I will probably be rejoicing that the warm sunny weather is giving way to the cool refreshing air of the fall, but today I am basking in the sun of late March. I am so glad our seasons change. God has provided us a tremendous blessing in the seasonal changes that we experience. Each new season communicates a fresh start—none more so than the spring.

God is the author of change. He has built it into His creation. Seasons change. A caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Clouds give way to sunshine after a storm. The rain washes away the dust that has built up over time.

God is the author of change. He has provided it through His salvation. A person whose sin once condemned him to eternal judgment can live forever with God because of God’s love gift of His Son. The guilt is removed by God’s life changing grace. The soul is set free due to the forgiveness of God. The person who has experienced all of this change because of faith in Christ now begins to see the new life of Christ change him. He experiences what Christ called the abundant life. As he surrenders to God’s plan and purpose for his life, God changes his attitudes, outlook, and behaviors.

As today’s awesome change in weather has captivated my thinking and reminded me of the author of change, I am reminded that He expects me to yield, trust, and obey so that He can change me. Don’t just rejoice in how God is changing the weather; let Him bring you joy as He changes you today!

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