Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Updates and Opportunities

I praise the Lord for how He is using the Bible Center family to touch lives with the love of Jesus. Some have incredible stories in helping the Red Cross welcome displaced residents of New Orleans to West Virginia. Some have given generously to our special offering and to the collection of food items for Pike County, Mississippi. These have been tremendous days for the Body of Christ to represent Jesus visibly in a time of need. Here is the latest news from our efforts at Bible Center:

We sent a check Tuesday for over $75,000.00 for gospel-centered Disaster Relief. We will continue to take gifts to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina indefinitely. If you have not given or would like to give again, simply make your check payable to Bible Center Church and put “disaster relief” in the memo. All of the monies we receive will go directly to the disaster relief fund of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention. NAMB uses 100% of what they receive for direct disaster relief in coordination with the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and FEMA as they seek to show and share Christ’s love.

Two of the truckloads of relief items we gathered for Mississippi have arrived and have been distributed and one arrives tonight. As you read this note, victims of the hurricane are using those supplies. Their response to our help has been emotional and overwhelming. They have heard the name of Jesus!

We will collect more items in a tractor-trailer that will arrive at Bible Center Thursday morning (September 8th). We will collect Non-perishable Food, Diapers (smaller and larger sizes are especially needed), and Baby Formula. Some personal toiletries are needed, but THE MAIN

ITEM IS NON-PERISHABLE FOOD. Items can be dropped off anytime Thursday or Friday from 9:00 AM until dark (NOTE: the supplies are needed in Mississippi now and the truck will leave as soon as it is loaded). Tell others in the community that they too can join in our effort.

We need volunteers to pack the relief items as they arrive on Thursday and Friday into manageable boxes and load the truck both days. PLEASE SIGN UP for a three-hour block at the Katrina Relief Information Table in the Center Lobby near the Vision Wall.

Pastor Roberson will be coordinating our efforts over the next several months to gather adult work teams to go and help clean up fallen trees, remove debris, and clean up mud in homes. We will seek to coordinate most of our efforts with the Disaster Relief Teams of the Southern Baptists (since they are trained and experienced). Pastor Roberson will meet with those interested in going on a work team tonight in the auditorium at 8:40 for about 10 minutes.

Whatever you can do to help with our efforts to show and share the goodness of God to people who are suffering from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina will be greatly appreciated by those in need and will honor our Lord!

Check out these and other opportunities at the Katrina Relief Information Table. We will keep you updated on our efforts at